while still getting everything done! 
Life is busy and hard!

It can be even harder if you are already experiencing focus issues.

With all there is to do in a given day, you likely get overwhelmed quickly and start to feel 

like your wheels are constantly spinning.

And no matter how hard you try, your to do list is ever growing and never ending!

That is why I created this guide.

Consider it your roadmap for helping overcome the overwhelm

 without losing out on productivity!

Take at least a week and record what you spend your time on.


Once the week is up, review what you recorded.  It can be incredibly eye opening to see how much time we TRULY spend on certain activities (eh-hem, social media!).

Then, go through the list again and take note of any tasks that you 
can automate or delegate.

Having a week snapshot will give you a better idea of how much time you ACTUALLY have available to accomplish your tasks

In order to be productive we need to have mental space for creativity.  

Trying to keep everything in your head - from tasks, to appointments, and everything else we need to remember - leads to overwhelm.  

This is why getting everything out onto paper or your fav digital product is KEY!

Set aside time to get every "to-do" related to family, social, physical, home, career, emotional and spiritual out.  Personally, I think pen to paper is best but you choose what works best for you!

Consider this an ongoing exercise.  Always leave space for more because we have  thoughts come to us in the shower and if we don't write them down, we forget.


Most to-do lists don’t work because the list is too long and it seems daunting. You may never be sure what to do or when to
 get the task done.

Once you brain dump, you have to organize so 
that you can create a plan of attack.

If a task is actionable then add to an next actions list
If it’s a project add it to the project list 
(this way you can break down individual tasks for this project)

Anything considered "need for later as a reference" 
create a reference file
Is it an action someone else can do for you? 
Then add it to the delegate list

Is it something that can be deferred to another time (later this week, month quarter year)? 
Then add it to your calendar or onto a next action list.
 The next action list is where your to dos are. 
We do not want a huge list!

You can divide the next action list into categories. 
 Ex: personal, family, finances, social

If an item is not actionable, create a sooner or later  list. This is for items you don’t need to do now but don’t want to forget.  

Like your brain dump, organizing is an ongoing activity.  Don't be afraid to add, edit, and adjust as necessary!


Time blocking is key to productivity and getting it all done while remaining calm centered and focused! Once we have carved out time you can add in specific tasks from your organized to-do list.

To create your ideal calendar, take out a blank calendar 
and add in the following:

 Standing items (i.e., work times, meal times, workout times)
 Must-do's that are part of your regular schedule
 (i.e., meetings, family obligations)
 Self-care/me time
 Family time
 Busy time (i.e., food shopping, cleaning, errands)
 Creation time (undisturbed time to think, plan, meditate, manifest)

Once these are in, look at the time you have left and add your to-do's into these time blocks. Keep your list short and simple!


This may be your most important step and the one that takes discipline.

You must carve out some time weekly  to reflect, review and revise all your lists.

Follow up on items you put on the "sooner or later list" and see if they need to be added to the "next action list".  

This is what makes it all work. If we don’t take the time to reflect and revise as we go, then we wind up right back where we started with everything in our heads.


When I feel frazzled and overwhelmed I cant focus or think about what I need to do so I like to breath before I start working.

Box Breathing

Step 1: Slowly exhale. Sitting upright, slowly exhale through your mouth, getting all the oxygen out of your lungs.

Step 2: Slowly inhale. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and count to four very slowly in your head.

Step 3: Hold your breath. Hold your breath for another
 slow count of four.

Step 4: Exhale again. Exhale through your mouth for the same slow count of four, expelling the air from your lungs and abdomen.

Step 5: Hold your breath again. Hold your breath for the same slow count of four before repeating this process.

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Copyright Dr. Robyn Croutch