Don’t neglect your downtime. While we know how busy this month is, we’re also gearing up for usually a break in work between Chanukah, Christmas and New Years for most offices. Enjoy this downtime!
Schedule some downtime to watch some funny movies, catch up on any shows, if the weather is appropriate spend some time in nature. Maybe check out some local museums to get away from bad weather.
Rest, recuperate and start looking forward to a new year.
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It’s so easy to want to say ‘yes’ to every invitation, every ask of us, every event that is in the future. Yes, yes, yes. We will do it all! Which is all fun and games until it becomes too much. Too much stimulation, too much stuff to get done and not enough time.
This is a toughie because it means making some hard choices and possibly hurting feelings for a brief moment.. but it’s okay to say no. You don’t need to accept every invite you get (and offer to make all the food).
Weigh the importance of the event, weigh what commitments (time, what you have to bring, etc) each event will take, what other events you have going on around the same time and make the best choice for YOU. Maybe make a suggestion to get together post holiday so you can enjoy the time together MORE.
“I’d love to go to X with you but this month won’t work for me. Can we reschedule for another date?”
Do you have trouble saying no to invitations?
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The holidays are here! Every year, I see a bunch of unlabeled totes, with a mix of decor and vow to organize it. Then I think the same thing next year. And the next year.
I love seeing things with labels and clearly marked. It is SO helpful when I can quickly get something due to this system.
The hard part is to start it!
First, make sure you have enough totes that you can separate things. This year I had fall mixed with winter and seeing winter stuff out but not hanging up cluttered my brain! Ah!
I got a fall only tote. When I took down all my fall decor, I put in the tote AND labeled it. All at once.
Get your labels out before you pack! Or it’ll be too easy to push it off with “I’ll do that tomorrow” “I’ll do that later”
An extra tip is to de clutter during that season. If you have any decor that maybe broke due to poor packing, no longer works, no longer a love of yours, declutter it now. You don’t need to put it back for next year.
Are your holiday decor totes organized or a mess?
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Do you struggle to make exercise a regular part of your daily routine?
If you said yes, that’s okay! Each and every day, we are under a remarkable amount of stress. There is always so much to do and it can be hard and overwhelming to make time for exercise.
But… we have to. Exercise, moving our bodies, is the key to feeling energized, having better focus, feeling calmer, staying at a healthy body weight, and overall good health!
So how can you create an exercise plan? Here’s a 5 step approach you can try today:
1. Create a realistic goal: before you get ahead of yourself and try to workout every single day for the next… forever, start small. If you never or rarely workout, start with a 2x/week goal. Just commit to 2 days each week where you will intentionally move your body for 30-60 minutes.
2. Take a look at your calendar: Each week (or before the next week starts) take a look at your calendar and see what sort of commitments you already have in place. Tuesday’s full from sunrise to sunset? Then Tuesday is not the day to schedule your workout. Choose the days where you have less on your plate so that you feel less overwhelmed about making time for this new habit.
3. Consider “habit stacking”: Habit Stacking is when you use a habit you already have in place to help you build another habit. For example, if you want to drink more water but are struggling to get it in, you can habit stack with your morning coffee routine. Rather than just pouring yourself that cup o’ joe right away, pour yourself 20oz of water and say to yourself that you must drink your water and then you have your coffee. The coffee habit serves as your reminder! One way this can be done for exercise is to choose a gym that is on your way to or from work (or somewhere you go every day). Driving that road is a daily habit. Now, add a stop at the gym. Attach the gym to your drive to/from work and you are more likely to stick to it.
4. Again, start small: Do not come out the gate thinking you have to start doing hour long CrossFit workouts. If a 30 minute walk is what is feasible for you, START THERE. It’s always better to do something and then progress than to overdo something and throw in the towel!
5. Celebrate yourself: creating a new workout routine is not easy! As you find yourself hitting your 2x/week goal, increase it to 3x/week. Some weeks will feel easy while others you may end up backtracking. That is all normal as well as you continue to go back to these steps and make a commitment to yourself. And then CELEBRATE! You deserve to give yourself a pat on the back so go ahead and do it :)
What’s your biggest struggle with creating an exercise routine?
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A favorite activity of mine! Brain dumping.
Have you heard of this?
A brain dump is when you take a piece of paper and write unfiltered. You could use a computer if you prefer that. I like the tactical aspect that a pen and paper give this exercise. You write down your mental to do list, what you need at the grocery store, your thoughts and anxieties. Whatever the brain wants to dump out!
Then, here’s the secret.. you don’t think of it again. (Or at least not for a little bit)!
This frees up the mental load and space in your mind so that you are able to focus on the task ahead, sleep, meditate, etc.
Have you done a brain dump? Did you find it useful?
Check out the video I have on Overcoming Overwhelm for more great tips like this!
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