At each point, tap several times with two or three fingers.
To begin, tap the first meridian point (the “karate chop” point), and say “Even though I feel unfocused, I fully love and accept myself.” Repeat this process two more times, tapping on the same karate chop point while you make this same statement, for a total of three times.
Then, for the negative round, move through the next eight meridian points in order, beginning with the inside of the eye, and tap each spot, while speaking of your negative feelings about your ability to focus. Here are some examples of things you could say (but it doesn’t have to be these, and you should say what you feel):
“I can never get anything done.”
“I always feel so scattered.”
“Sometimes I’m really confused.”
“I can’t pay attention.”
“I’m so disorganized.”
Make one statement like this with each point you tap. When you’ve tapped on all eight points, take a deep cleansing breath. You can repeat this negative round more than once if you’re feeling particularly stuck.
Once you’ve completed tapping through your meridian points while concentrating on your negative feelings, tap your way through the same points again (excluding the karate chop point), this time saying something positive about your ability to focus (something you’d like to manifest). Some things you might say are:
“I am so organized.”
“I get everything done.”
“I’m super focused.”
“I do not procrastinate.”
“Nothing can stop me from getting things done.”
Again, make one positive statement (it doesn’t have to be these specific ones) each time you tap on a meridian point. When you’ve completed a round of positive declarations while tapping each point, once again, take a nice deep breath. If you’ve done more than one round of negative tapping, do the same number of rounds for your positive statements.
After you’ve taken one last deep, freeing breath, you can get on with whatever it is you’re trying to focus on.